European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Registration Management
Key figures
30 000 expected attendees / 25 pre-filled fields through SSO / 3 Specific registration procedures
ERS (European Respiratory Society) is an international membership organization that brings together physicians, healthcare professionals, scientists and other experts working in respiratory medicine.
In 2020, in the context of a pandemic, ERS decided to select key4events for the first time to provide an online platform to manage the individual and group registrations of their annual congress: ERS International Congress.

Based on the specifications of the virtual annual congress, our team of experts fully configured the online platform to manage the different registration profiles (for individuals and groups), registration rules, invoicing (and re-imbursement), payments, etc.
Key4events also used this opportunity to enhance the platform by implementing additional features, options and rules in the core product, in order to meet ERS’ needs.
The platform was 100% integrated in the myERS environment to perform:
- Single Sign On (SSO) at the first step of the registration process
- Pre-filling of registration forms with data retrieved from ERS CRM database
- Matching of participant profiles with ERS contact entries from ERS CRM (specfically to ease group registration management)
The Key4register platform exposes an API allowing the virtual congress platform provider to dynamically check registration statuses for the participants connecting to the virtual congress.
ERS’ congress & event department was successfully trained by key4events to become fully autonomous in using the platform to manage registrations, financial documents, payments, etc.
Registration was fully managed by ERS itself which has built increasing autonomy over the years through the completion several training sessions provided by our teams.