IAS Educational Fund

International AID Society

Multi-Events Platform, Virtual Symposia, Virtual Workshops

Key Figures

6 virtual meetings / 3 multi-languages lives / 68 nationalities / More than 1000 participants registered


During 2020, IAS Educational Fund has organized virtually symposia and workshops via Zoom platform in webinar format. IAS Educational Fund aimed to adapt in-person meetings to multiple online events live streamed via a tailor-made, virtual platform.


  • This virtual platform should propose to members registered access to live events with networking and engagement tools to increase the quality in such meetings and facilitate participation.
  • IAS SSO integration to propose a seamless experience to members and guaranty a unique and secured access to the platform.



The virtual platform provided handled the following features:

  • Running updates depending on each meeting
  • User-friendly interface
  • Connection adapted to low bandwidth geographic areas
  • Multi-language platform
  • Live sessions, interactivity and chat, online program, on-demand content…

Post-event follow-up:

  • Analytics reports provided after each live event
  • Satisfaction survey and certificate of attendance delivered

Interactivity and engagement were insured via Q&A and chat features via Zoom.


Challenge met successfully with 6 virtual meetings, 3 multi-language lives and 68 nationalities served worldwide.