EHA European Hematology Association
Key4events was present for the first time at the European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress in Vienna from the 8th to the 12th of June to work in collaboration with MCI Amsterdam’s team.
This year was particular because of the 30th anniversary of EHA and of course the return onsite for all participants and companies.
A real successful edition of the EHA Congress with more than 10,000 participants where key4events was able to deploy:
✔️ 12 self-service badge printing desks to print live badges of participants
✔️ up to 20 desks equipped to manage back offices, help desks, onsite new registration and updates, VIPs management, payments, etc.
✔️ +150 lead retrieval system (scanners and lead mobile licenses) for EHA Congress sponsors and industry partners
✔️ +45 scanning devices for attendance tracking and access control on different areas of the venue (entrance of the exhibition, certain sessions, …)
And a “few” days of preparation, configuration and tests of the systems before the event.
We would like to sincerely thanks EHA and MCI Amsterdam for their confidence, assistance, and time for us to participate in EHA Congress’ success!